Tag: Miracles

How to Use Your Dark Night of the Soul to Create Miracles in Your Life

Having this mental illness is like playing hide and seek with Satan inside my head. I deal with the compulsions well. I no longer touch things eight times, and by melting light bulbs, I have stopped turning them on and off 12 times. Although I still obsess with the doors, I check them four tim...

How to Use Your Dark Night of the Soul to Create Miracles in Your Life

I have OCD Having this mental illness is like playing hide and seek with Satan inside my head. I deal with the compulsions well. I no longer touch things eight times, and by melting light bulbs, I have stopped turning them on and off 12 times. Although I still obsess with the doors, I check...

Magic and Miracles in the Himalayas: What to Read after Autobiography of a Yogi? (Part 3 of 4)

In part 1 of this series, we explored the history and impact of the international bestseller Autobiography of a Yogi, by Paramahansa Yogananda, and asked the question if there were other books that captured the “magic and mystery” of “old India”, particularly around the holy ...

Scientific Miracles in the Qur’an?

The verse does however resemble the ancient belief that conception is caused by male & female fluids from all parts of the body. And that’s what some classical tafseers said. For example al-Qurtubi says: “The fluid is Semen… it comes down from the brain & passes between...