Tag: Mineral

Kyawthuite- The Rarest Mineral on Earth

Minerals are the building blocks of our planet, encompassing a vast array of elements and compounds. While numerous minerals have been discovered and studied, some remain exceedingly rare and elusive. Among these is Kyawthuite, a mineral so scarce that it holds the title of being the rarest mineral ...

A step-by-step manual for geochemists: How to estimate the percentage of “FeS2” in pyrite mineral?

Pyrite (FeS2) is a prevalent mineral or can be titled as a rock-forming mineral. It is also known as “fool’s gold” due to its metallic luster. It has a distinguished brassy yellow color that can resemble gold. It has a chemical composition of iron sulfide (FeS2). It is c...

Exploring The Piezoelectric Property Of Quartz Mineral.

These crystals are able to build up signals in the form of potential across the crystal. This can lead to current flow which results in vibration or movement over a range of frequencies depending on the material type. Another essential characteristic of these crystals is that they’re able to c...

Silica — An Overlooked Mineral with Impressive Benefits

Collagen. Hyaluronic acid. Vitamin C. We hear it almost everywhere and on everyone’s lips. How is silica different? Well, not far off. Silica is not only essential for collagen formation but in the prevention of diseases like atherosclerosis and Alzheimers. Silica, also known as silicon dio...