Tag: Millennial

Tired Millennial moves to Amsterdam

Well, hello there. Not sure why you landed on this blog, but I can guarantee it is not from the best of the lives :D I just moved to Amsterdam, because a lot of reasons but mostly because I love to see amazing looking queers in the streets and I can enjoy the good sun. This is the first and on...

Why prom still matters to me as an aging gay Millennial

I stayed inside it anyway. It was the 2000s. I lived in a Republican household, and although California is a progressive haven for so many, being a queer teen was not cute. When classmates weren’t relentlessly making fun of me, others took pity and tried to correct how I walked. Or how I talke...

Pink feels adopted by San Francisco lesbians

The aptly-named Trustfall Tour is the 9th for the bubblegum pop songstress, and while I often avoid stadiums filled with screaming teens, this crowd felt more like a high school reunion of my own elder Millennial generation. Pink’s upbeat music has traversed two decades on our radio stations, ...

Millennials Are You Saving Enough For Retirement?

I recently read two articles, both published April 2022, regarding millennials saving for retirement. One headline, from CNN, implies that millennials are doing a good job of saving for retirement. The other article, from CNBC, indicates millennials are behind when it comes to retirement s...

The Life of A Millennial In a Gen-Z World

I mean to say just a little nudge that makes you travel in time within your mind and you so wish you were present when things transpired. Apart from this Gen Z wish, I so wish I was present when the Americans hassled the British for freedom. That would be a sight to behold. If you’ve eve...

It’s The Death of Millennial Corniness

As you mom may have heard on NPR recently, we are in the midst of a vibe shift. What is a vibe shift, your mom may be asking (she was making pesto while the segment was on and not really listening)? A vibe shift is all things to all people: it’s a spring cleaning of the mind&nbs...

The Insufferable “Legging Legs” Trend and Why Millennial Women Aren’t Having It

Millennial women across the internet collectively lost our minds last week when someone dared to suggest such as thing as “legging legs.” In the latest effort to body-shame and humiliate women into meeting already unrealistic beauty standards, we’re hearing now that women with &...