Tag: Milestone

Humble DeFi Goes Open Source: A Milestone for Transparency, Security, and Community Engagement

At Humble, our guiding principle has always been to foster transparency and trust with our users. One of the most effective ways to accomplish that is by laying bare the very code that powers our platform. Today, we are thrilled to announce that all of Humble’s contracts, u...

Milestone achieved: STREETH Marketplace opens its doors

We have some exciting news to share with you — STREETH is thrilled to announce the launch of our highly-anticipated STREETH Marketplace! As a digital art platform focused on transforming street art, we’re introducing a revolutionary way for art enthusiasts and collectors to engage w...

“Minecraft: The Classic That SHATTERED the 300 MILLION Copies Milestone”

We all know that Minecraft is a timeless masterpiece in the game industry, and it recently passed a noteworthy milestone by selling over 300 MILLION copies. This success is a direct outcome of what makes Minecraft unique, not chance. Minecraft is more than simply a game; it’s...

Makip’s Milestone: Embracing New Beginnings in the UK!

Hello again, Aki here with the latest from Makip. It feels like it’s been ages since my last blog post. We’ve been immersed in drafting plans for the upcoming year, a task that’s both challenging and thrilling, which explains my brief hiatus. As a startup, we’re perpetuall...

COP28 Creates Milestone Legislation On Its First Day

The past year has shown just how devastating even a tiny bit of climate change can be. However, over the next few decades, global warming is set to ramp up dramatically and send the entire world into turmoil. Yet, it won’t be the rich nations who are responsible for this planetary destruction ...

Milestone: The First Black Female Educator of New York

Imagine being one of few black female teachers, in educational institutions where whyte teachers seemed to have little expectation for student’s achievements. Then picture this situation when the largest cohort of students are black, brown, minorities, and from some of the poorest areas of Lon...