Humble DeFi Goes Open Source: A Milestone for Transparency, Security, and Community Engagement

<p>At Humble, our guiding principle has always been to foster&nbsp;<strong>transparency</strong>&nbsp;and&nbsp;<strong>trust</strong>&nbsp;with our users. One of the most effective ways to accomplish that is by laying bare the very code that powers our platform. Today, we are thrilled to announce that all of Humble&rsquo;s contracts, user interface, and underlying technologies are now&nbsp;<strong>open source</strong>&nbsp;and publicly available on our&nbsp;<a href="" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">GitHub repository</a>.&nbsp;<strong>This includes completed, yet to be released V3 swap &amp; pool contracts.&nbsp;</strong>With this move, this&nbsp;<strong>gurantees the longevity</strong>&nbsp;of our protocol, regardless if there is a team or not.</p> <h1>The Importance of Going Open Source</h1> <h1>Security Through Visibility</h1> <p>Open sourcing the platform serves as a dual-purpose tool. First, it ensures a greater level of security by allowing the community to examine, audit, and validate the robustness of our code. No longer does one have to rely on third-party audits alone; the code is out there for anyone to review. This crowd-sourced form of security scrutiny not only reinforces the safety measures we have in place but also allows for continuous, community-led improvements.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
Tags: DeFi Milestone