Tag: Metric

Confirmed: Code Coverage Is a Useless Management Metric

There is a strong belief that code coverage is a strong metric to measure the quality of a software product, a belief that’s been shared without question among tech leaders for many years. Its rationale seems sound on the surface: the more thorough the testing, the higher the code coverage, an...

Research based on Metric Measure Spaces in Machine Learning part4

Assume that (X,d,μ) is a metric space endowed with a non-negative Borel measure μ satisfying the doubling condition and the additional condition that μ(B(x,r))≳rn for any x∈X,r>0 and some n≥1. Let L be a non-negative self-adjoint operator on L2(X,μ). We assume that e−t...

Statistical Metrics and The Somatics of Safety

Whether it’s the popularity of local beer gardens or even how a cityscape looks driving from the airport, I have a hard time noting any significant difference between cities in America outside of the most prominent cultural nuances. These similarities become even more apparent in cities that v...

What’s your computer’s favorite metric?

The upshot there was the MSE is rubbish for model evaluation but wonderful for optimization. The goal of performance evaluation is for a person (you, me, whoever) to read a score and understand something about our model. The goal of model optimization is for a machine to determine what the...