Statistical Metrics and The Somatics of Safety

<p>Whether it&rsquo;s the popularity of local beer gardens or even how a cityscape looks driving from the airport, I have a hard time noting any significant difference between cities in America outside of the most prominent cultural nuances. These similarities become even more apparent in cities that view or advertise themselves as liberal or havens of the &ldquo;coastal elite.&rdquo; No matter what neighborhood I find myself in, nothing says liberal-leaning city more than &ldquo;Black Lives Matter,&rdquo; &ldquo;Love is Love,&rdquo; or my favorite intersectional sign, &ldquo;Love is Love. Black Lives Matter. Climate Change is Real. No Human Beings is Illegal. Women&rsquo;s Rights are Human Rights.&rdquo; or some other combination of politically correct platitudes.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>