Tag: Meaningful

Retire in the Next 5 Years. Find Meaningful Work. Become the Highest Version of Yourself.

Wake up. Go to work. Drown in your own thoughts. Escape thoughts. Sleep. Modern wisdom has accepted that this is life. That work is a job. Unhappiness is the price. That is the price you pay for trading your time. You give up emotion in the process. But then once in a while, you see it. Som...

Insanely Short but Meaningful Article #9

Women writers here on Medium motivate and inspire women. Oprah Winfrey has been a huge motivator of women for years. “Rise up, and do great things!”, has been a commonly heard phrase. But what if I told you that, as a man, I was about to turn that whole thing on its axis? That all too...

From Strangers to Friends: The Art of Building Meaningful Connections with DeLaChat

Looking to unlock the secret to building adult friendships? In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the art of making connections with DeLaChat and how it can transform your social life. Meaningful connections play a vital role in our overall well-being and happiness. As we navigate through ...

More Meaningful Than Any Degree

Screams of “Fire! Get out now!” mixed with blaring horns woke our family at 3 a.m. on August 17, 2020. Thankfully, everyone made it down the mountain that night. In the days and weeks that followed, we stayed at motels and a friend’s place in town. Over 400 homes burned as that wil...

10 Meaningful Traditions to Start with Your Kids Before It’s Too Late

Time with our children is precious and fleeting, and it’s important to create lasting memories and traditions that they will cherish for a lifetime. Starting traditions with your kids not only strengthens family bonds but also creates a sense of belonging and stability. From simple rituals to ...

The Most Meaningful Lessons Are Written In Blood

Have you ever learned something the hard way? Don’t you think it would’ve been easier to learn from other people’s mistakes and advice in the first place? Sure it would. But somehow, it just doesn’t do it for us. We’re like that child who’s told not to...