Insanely Short but Meaningful Article #9

<p>Women writers here on Medium motivate and inspire women. Oprah Winfrey has been a huge motivator of women for years. &ldquo;Rise up, and do great things!&rdquo;, has been a commonly heard phrase.</p> <p>But what if I told you that, as a man, I was about to turn that whole thing on its axis? That all too many women have encouraged, inspired, and held the hands of women for the longest&hellip;and how&nbsp;<em>some</em>&nbsp;men were never around.</p> <p>Until now&hellip;</p> <p>On September 26th, my wife and I will celebrate our 11th wedding anniversary. She has stood by my side through thick and thin. She&rsquo;s encouraged me without seemingly any doubts that I could accomplish great things, and became the very backbone of the relationship.</p> <p>She is the mover and the shaker more times than I am when it comes to her actions and being very giving of herself. To this day, I will admit that I&rsquo;ve never been as thoughtful as her. I&rsquo;ve always motivated and encouraged her to better herself. I&nbsp;<em>WANT</em>&nbsp;to see her succeed! To be better than I.</p> <p>And right now, she makes more money than I do. I run a cyclical eBay business, and sales haven&rsquo;t been that good. She works the 9&ndash;5 doing what she&nbsp;<em>loves</em>, and that is being a Chef. I get angry if people don&rsquo;t address her as &ldquo;Chef&rdquo;, because she is&nbsp;<em>more</em>&nbsp;than just a cook. I want her to be an Executive Chef or own her own restaurant one day, of which I&rsquo;ll gladly work in!</p> <p>In a nutshell, I want her dreams and aspirations to come to fruition. We get a limited number of chances while living. So there should be&nbsp;<em>NO REGRETS</em>&nbsp;as we lay dying.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>