Tag: Martin

Interview with BizMachine Co-Founder, Martin Lucký

Martin Lucký is the co-founder of BizMachine, a company looking for ways to make the best use of B2B data for business and marketing purposes. Martin Lucký What’s Your Story? (Who are you and what do you do?) We are three ex-McKinsey colleagues who wanted to b...

Why We Need Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s Radical Message More Than Ever

The season is upon us. You know, the time of the year when scores of conservatives whip out that one quote they remember from Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s "I Have a Dream" speech, cherry-picking the part where hopes that his four children would "not be judged by the color of their...

What Martin Luther King did for us

My father had left my two sisters, mother and myself on our own. It was 1980 and Ronald Reagan would soon take office as the President of The United States. We had just come back to The U.S. from Israel, where we had lived on a Kibbutz (Commune) for nearly 3 years. After a brief stay with my grandpa...

A Poem for Martin Luther King’s Birthday About the Need to Embrace Even a Past of Slavery and Torture

Millennia ago, the Jews were slaves, And they never forgot it, nor should we. Remembrance of things past is how one saves The lineage of one’s identity. It was as slaves in Egypt that the Jews, Never more than tribes, became a nation, Like the separate, captive, black tribes whose Uniqu...

Happy Birthday Dr. King: Martin Tried To Tell Us.

It aint the hand of our enemy this time but those who suppose to be our friends We are oppressed today by those who claimed they are aligned with our freedom and liberty We are oppressed by those who call themselves allies or our friends. Those who patronize us treating us like charitable tax ...

25 Years Ago, Martin Bryant Killed 35 People At Port Arthur, A Tourist Spot In Tasmania, Causing National Devastation

‘The Port Arthur massacre of 28–29 April 1996 was a mass shooting in which 35 people were killed and 23 others were wounded in Port Arthur, Tasmania. The murderer, Martin Bryant, pleaded guilty and was given 35 life sentences without the possibility of parol...

Kundun — Martin Scorsese’s Tribute to a Marginalised People (That Disney Would Rather Forget)

Martin Scorsese certainly seems to have hit another home run recently with his latest feature, Killers of the Flower Moon. A sprawling, meaty, historical Western crime epic with a stellar cast, a stirring score, excellent pacing, and the advantage of both traditional cinema and streaming servic...

Cultural Dad — Martin Stellinga

Then, we had a daughter, and that changed things. I had no desire to spend many hours in a train, airplane, or car with a baby. And I soon realized that these things are even less fun with a toddler. I remember the train journeys I spent running after my daughter through the train as she started paw...