A Poem for Martin Luther King’s Birthday About the Need to Embrace Even a Past of Slavery and Torture
<p><strong>M</strong>illennia ago, the Jews were slaves,<br />
<strong>A</strong>nd they never forgot it, nor should we.<br />
<strong>R</strong>emembrance of things past is how one saves<br />
<strong>T</strong>he lineage of one’s identity.<br />
<strong>I</strong>t was as slaves in Egypt that the Jews,<br />
<strong>N</strong>ever more than tribes, became a nation,<br />
<strong>L</strong>ike the separate, captive, black tribes whose<br />
<strong>U</strong>nique ways fused through forced assimilation.<br />
<strong>T</strong>heir nationality was born of pain,</p>
<p><a href="https://medium.com/@nickgo_89269/a-poem-for-martin-luther-kings-birthday-about-the-need-to-embrace-even-a-past-of-slavery-and-5be8be289f10"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>