Tag: Maps

Integrate Google Maps Into the Jetpack Compose App

Today we are gonna talk about how to integrate maps into your Jetpack Compose app. For that, we are gonna use the Maps Compose Library. “The Maps Compose library contains composable functions and data types that let you perform many common tasks.” According to Maps Compose Libr...

Why I Am Switching to Apple Maps From Google Maps in 2023

When smartphones were still a novelty, Google Maps became my digital North Star. And back then, I had an Android phone, and it was the only option. Every hidden cafe, every shortcut through the city’s maze, Google Maps knew it all. It felt like the seasoned guide every explorer wished for. ...

Designing the latest generation of Uber Navigation: maps built for ridesharing

The Uber platform currently powers more than 7 billion trips every year. When we launched Uber Navigation, the world’s first navigation system designed for ridesharing, in 2017, the platform was handling 4 billion trips annually. After 5 years of growing demands, not only in app use bu...

It’s 2023. Start using JavaScript Maps and Sets

As a JavaScript developer, you are probably familiar with the two most commonly used data structures, Arrays and Objects. They are both extremely versatile and powerful however, two more options are often overlooked: Maps and Sets. Let’s explore how they can make your code more efficient and e...

Why I Am Switching to Apple Maps From Google Maps in 2023

When smartphones were still a novelty, Google Maps became my digital North Star. And back then, I had an Android phone, and it was the only option. Every hidden cafe, every shortcut through the city’s maze, Google Maps knew it all. It felt like the seasoned guide every explorer wished for. ...

Maps, Territories, and Interfaces — What We Continue to Miss (and aren’t getting back)

Almost a century ago, Alfred Korzybski made a point that is currently in danger of being completely lost: “A map is not the territory it represents, but, if correct, it has a similar structure to the territory, which accounts for its usefulness.” — Alfred ...

Scraping Google Maps to Measure Electric Vehicle Infrastructure: Real-time EV Charger Data V1.0

Several factors have to be considered to measure how well established the EV infrastructure is within a country. Infrastructure factors include: current number of EVs owned, number of car dealerships, subsidies, number of chargers, and more. Many of these measurements exist online and can often b...

Tokyo: A Land Where You Don’t Need Google Maps

Google Maps has become an essential app if you want to travel to some places for the first time. You just input the destination, and the algorithm will calculate how long it takes, what mode of transportation you can use, etc. It’s simple and straightforward, you just have to follow the naviga...

Choropleth maps with time sliders using Plotly

Plotly is great for generating beautiful visuals, and lately I’ve been experimenting with a very capable possibility within plotly: animated geographical data. There are great articles out there showing you how to plot geographical data over time, such as this one, by Shinichi Oka...

Hidden Treasures Map of Vienna

I found myself exploring the map of Europe and looking at the many different places that would be crowded. For some reason I’m yet to understand, Vienna stood out from the numerous options. I remember identifying it on the map, pausing and reflecting on everything I knew about this place. I re...

Your Guide to Maps for Logistics Software in 2023

Google Maps is the world’s most popular map. They have over a billion monthly users. Also, 5 million apps and websites use it weekly. With Google Maps you get satellite images, street view, and real-time traffic data powered by billions of Android phones. OpenStreetMap OpenStreetMap (...

HD Maps for Self-Driving Cars

Regular maps are not sufficient for autonomous vehicles. They don’t have information about traffic lanes, traffic signs, and lights, position, and height of the curbs. Also, they are useless for localization purposes. They are designed for humans, not for machines. These maps can have location...

Google Maps Styling in Flutter

Version 0.5.16 of the google_maps_flutter plugin has arrived and it includes the ability to add a custom style to your map! This article will describe an easy way to style your Google Map in Flutter. The new plugin version adds the setMapStyle method to the GoogleMapContr...