Tokyo: A Land Where You Don’t Need Google Maps

<p>Google Maps has become an essential app if you want to travel to some places for the first time. You just input the destination, and the algorithm will calculate how long it takes, what mode of transportation you can use, etc. It&rsquo;s simple and straightforward, you just have to follow the navigator. Let&rsquo;s think for a second and imagine a world without Google Maps. Would you still be able to visit the viral restaurant on TikTok by yourself just by knowing the address? &nbsp;Maybe&hellip; maybe not &nbsp;Maybe you can, but it takes twice as much time compared if you use maps. But! What if I tell you&hellip; if you live in Tokyo (東京都), it might have been not much of a problem&nbsp;</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
Tags: Google Maps