Tag: loving

The more loving one

Looking up at the stars, I know quite well That, for all they care, I can go to hell, But on earth indifference is the least We have to dread from man or beast. How should we like it were stars to burn With a passion for us we could not return? If equal affection cannot be, Let the more lov...

So… I’m Really Loving Macro Photography…

Growing up, I really hated photography. Perhaps it was due to my urge to constantly live in the present, or maybe I just found boredom in looking through old memories. I remember during hikes my father used to stop, admire the scenery, take 3–5 photos, then continue. 5 minutes later&hell...

The Craft of Loving-Kindness

I remember during the summer months when I saw a sick-looking bee or wasp on the pavement. I would place my hand next to it, let it crawl on, and then hold it gently while I continued my walk. Sometimes, the warmth from my hand was all it needed to come alive again, and it would walk to the tips ...

Is Loving Eminem a Form of White Supremacy?

I grew up listening to Dr. Dre and Snoop Dogg as a very small child. Everyone loved Tupac and Biggie. The Fugees sparked something in me before I could even claim double digits. I loved hip-hop from a very early age, but I was still too young to really appreciate it. However, just as my brain was...

The Trans Woman and Her Loving Father

When my father died, a metaphorical train hit me. My world, the world stood still. It ceased to be. People were frozen in time. He had been sick with cancer. It ravaged his body like a plague of locusts. It ate him from the inside out. The sun was shining that day, and the view from the window wa...

Loving Day: Looking Back

Loving day is in two days. It’s a big deal to me, although it probably doesn’t mean a thing to you. Loving Day is the day that the Supreme Court of the United States of America unanimously struck down all laws prohibiting miscegenation. It’s a term you probably don’t know. In...

I’d Kill Someone to Save My Life

“I’d kill someone to save my life,” a gun-loving friend tells me for the dozenth time, and I grit my teeth and nod noncommittally. I want peace between us. It would be futile to get pulled into an argument in any case; I’m not going to change her mind; she’s not going t...

My History Living and Loving Husband

My husband said he remembers loving reading as a young child. One of his favorite things to do in the summer was to sit under a tree and read all day long. When I met him in college he was an avid reader of non-fiction history books. He enjoyed his history courses in college and went on to be an ...

Loving Voluptuously: You can’t love your eyes

This is an excerpt from a longer poem I am working on currently called “She -A Living Eggshell”. I’m giving you an advance preview because I was inspired after reading that your mother used her entire body as your eggshell in “Eve” by Cat Bohannon.¹ The ...