So… I’m Really Loving Macro Photography…

<p>Growing up, I really hated photography. Perhaps it was due to my urge to constantly live in the present, or maybe I just found boredom in looking through old memories.</p> <p>I remember during hikes my father used to stop, admire the scenery, take 3&ndash;5 photos, then continue.</p> <p>5 minutes later&hellip; stop, admire the scenery, 3&ndash;5 more photos&hellip; continue.</p> <p>It used to drive me&nbsp;<strong><em>insane</em></strong>.</p> <p>And I guess I&rsquo;ve always been a &ldquo;brisk&rdquo; walker&hellip; (even now)! I liked to feel my blood pumping and my heart racing, as I covered as much distance as humanly possible.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>
Tags: loving Macro