Tag: Longer

PlayHT2.0, When Voices Can No Longer Be Trusted

With cancel culture, I don’t think there’s one person on this planet who doesn’t fear getting framed and accused of saying something they have not. Because keyboard warriors that saturate our social media will be quick to sentence you without giving you the right to defend yours...

That Time My Kid Googled Me and I Was No Longer “Dad”

“Hey Daddy, are you popular?” My eight-year-old daughter ambushed me one Sunday morning, her voice squeaking equally with cheekiness and curiosity. “Huh?” I said, deep in a different thought as I looked up from my phone, half-dazed in a scrolling coma. “Are you fa...

30s: The Era of Deep Conversations and Longer Hugs

If you told me ten years ago that I would cherish a lingering hug over a wild night out, I’d probably have laughed in disbelief. But, oh, how times have changed. Diving into my 30s felt like wading into the still waters after navigating the turbulent waves of my 20s. And while the sun ...

Why Everything Takes Longer When You Have ADHD (In Comics)

Welcome to the world where “crying over spilled milk” is interpreted literally and having fun is the only solution Created by the author. What is the enemy number one for a person with ADHD? There are many contenders for this coveted place, but one of them wins the race when it...

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In the area where I live in South London there are quite a few active street artists. Recently I’ve seen a few works like this popping up on walls and the sides of underground tunnels. There is something very attractive about the simplicity of the works, which involve short statements or qu...

One Semester at Yale Divinity School and I’m No Longer a Christian. Here’s Why.

This past Tuesday afternoon I turned in the very last paper of my very first semester at Yale Divinity School. And I have to say after just four short months, I’ve come to a profound shift in my thinking that I feel the need to say publicly: I am no longer a Christian. What happ...

I’m no longer ashamed to tell my story

In the years before Roe v. Wade, the abortion ban made terminating a pregnancy dangerous. Even getting care for high-risk pregnancies was challenging, with anxious doctors who were worried about legal repercussions. It was not easy to end an unplanned pregnancy. At the time, I worked with a ...

Politics: Left and Right No Longer Work

Like many others, in recent months, I have discovered that neither left nor right define who I am politically anymore. In previous years — about half a century go — it was simple. If you believed that workers should have a greater piece of the pie, you were on the left, and if you were o...

When Hypocrisy No Longer Matters

As Couric notes, the big “moment” on Meet the Press was always when Russert would hone in on a politician’s contradictions and catch them in a lie or a flip-flop. The politician would sputter and evade and then Russert would pounce and bag his prey. Russert always irritated me &...

I Am No Longer Bound To Keep The Peace

It’s not my place my job, my space. I’m not required to be the one to smooth the water, calm the fiery rage and storms or build the bridge or link the arms. I am not your whipping boy, or personal connector to your life or those you hurt. I am no longer bound. Click Here

Why Men & Women No Longer Understand One Another

Not that they could much anyway, but these days there is so much disparity between the sexes that people find it difficult understanding the wants, needs, motivations of one another. And rather than accepting that everyone is unique, people are tarnishing more and more whole groups of people with th...

How can we get more out of what we put into space for longer?

In-space Servicing, Assembly and Manufacturing (ISAM) has the potential to change how we develop the space ecosystem. ISAM is a collection of technology that can be used to learn more about Earth orbit, cislunar space, deep space and the surface of celestial bodies. These capabilities are ...