Tag: Lockdown

Lockdown in Argentina: The Wait

On March 20th at midnight, the President of Argentina, Alberto Fernandez, ordered the unprecedented shutdown of the entire nation including international borders and domestic flights. That Friday the 20th and that Saturday, large numbers of citizens packed up their cars and headed to Mar del Plata a...

Five things I have learned this week #2

1 — My lockdown cocktail of choice has unquestionably been the Highball. Refreshing, quaffable and very dry — it’s the perfect shift change from the working day to the evening, even if that just means moving your laptop off the kitchen table and replacing it with knives and forks. ...

A Lockdown Lesson: There is always more to see in your own city.

Lockdown has triggered the embarrassing realisation that I didn’t know my own city of Edinburgh as well as I thought. I have lived here for more than two years, visited all my life and considered myself a local expert. The last three months have questioned this belief. In the city I knew so we...

Echoes of Lockdown: A Journey from Confinement to Creative Liberation

Yesterday, news of Victorian Premier Dan Andrews’ resignation echoed through the airwaves. Social media was awash with video throwbacks of his lockdown press conferences. Each clip, each image, a nostalgic reminder of a time when the entire state, if not the country, was united in shared antic...

Being Forgiving of your Lockdown Home

I live with my family in Melbourne. So, for those of you living in a part of our beloved Australia right now in another lockdown, I feel you. Two years ago, if someone had asked me, “what is home to you?” I could have easily replied with - A place that is a hive of activity in t...