A Lockdown Lesson: There is always more to see in your own city.

<p>Lockdown has triggered the embarrassing realisation that I didn&rsquo;t know my own city of Edinburgh as well as I thought. I have lived here for more than two years, visited all my life and considered myself a local expert. The last three months have questioned this belief. In the city I knew so well I have found new places or seen something new nearly every single day.</p> <p>A new street, a new mural, a new tree, a new cafe, a new lake&hellip;.</p> <p>What this shows is that no matter how well you think you know a place there is always more to see, discover and learn. It also prompts the question that if I don&rsquo;t even know my own city as well as I thought, how well did I get to know other cities that I have visited around the world?</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@caitlinrush_9865/a-lockdown-lesson-there-is-always-more-to-see-in-your-own-city-bdd8bebce750"><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>