Tag: Lisboa

The Red Dot Of Lisboa

Wewere sitting at a pizza place at the railway station. The DJ played his set, occasionally interrupted by the arrival of passing trains. Not a usual location for a party, I’ll give you that, but surprisingly suitable. The hostess brought us beers in metal cups and two pieces of square pepp...

The Red Dot Of Lisboa

Wewere sitting at a pizza place at the railway station. The DJ played his set, occasionally interrupted by the arrival of passing trains. Not a usual location for a party, I’ll give you that, but surprisingly suitable. The hostess brought us beers in metal cups and two pieces of square pepp...

The Red Dot Of Lisboa

Wewere sitting at a pizza place at the railway station. The DJ played his set, occasionally interrupted by the arrival of passing trains. Not a usual location for a party, I’ll give you that, but surprisingly suitable. The hostess brought us beers in metal cups and two pieces of square pepp...

Lisboa Oriental e seus Imaginários: novas questões

In the first round of this roundtable on Lisbon, we looked at ongoing changes in its eastern districts through the common framework of “conflicting imaginaries”. This proved to be a productive way to survey the multiplicity of narratives and agents implicated in the material and symbolic...

Celebrating: Ana Magalhães, Creative Director at Young and Rubicam Lisboa.

How would you introduce yourself in five words? Explorer of the world. What do you prefer to do when it comes to design? I’m not very keen on putting design/creative work in boxes. There are many ways you can solve a problem and the solution might turn out to be a film, a poster, a websit...