The Red Dot Of Lisboa

<p>Wewere sitting at a pizza place at the railway station. The DJ played his set, occasionally interrupted by the arrival of passing trains. Not a usual location for a party, I&rsquo;ll give you that, but surprisingly suitable.</p> <p>The hostess brought us beers in metal cups and two pieces of square pepperoni pizza. She then got a beer for herself and sat down for a little chat.</p> <p>&ldquo;So, how did you find us?&rdquo; she asked with a strong French accent.</p> <p>&ldquo;We googled,&rdquo; I said. &ldquo;Henry is everywhere. It was the first thing I saw when we arrived.&rdquo;</p> <p>It was true. The taxi dropped us at the boarding house in the middle of the night, and the only thing I saw before going up the stairs was a large graffiti on the opposite wall, stating that someone named Henry loved me for no apparent reason, decorated with a red dot.</p> <p>The next day we spotted a mysterious red dot all over Lisboa. With a few exceptions, such as telling us that &ldquo;life is good,&rdquo; dots were followed by the same question &mdash; who the fuck is Henry.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Dot Lisboa