Tag: Linear

Git for Pro Devs: Why a Linear History is Your New Best Friend

Hello there, tech-savvy developers! It’s me,  here again with another dose of techie wisdom to spice up your everyday coding life. Today in git happy, we’ll unearth the concept of a linear Git history, one of those unsung heroes in the world of software versioning control...

5 Key points to train a Linear Regression model

Machine learning framework use two main ingredients, first one is the algorithms which is referenced by models and second one is the data. Thinking in machine learning, it’s asking our self how machine learns and take decisions based on data. First of all, we have to think about how humans lea...

Theoretical Deep Dive Into Linear Regression

Most aspiring data science bloggers do it: write an introductory article about linear regression — and it is a natural choice since this is one of the first models we learn when entering the field. While these articles are great for beginners, most do not go deep enough to satisfy senior data ...

The beauty of Linear Algebra

Linear algebra is the branch of mathematics that concerns linear equations, maps and their representations in vector spaces and through matrices. This technical definition and most proofs, concepts and theorems that we learn hide the visual beauty of linear algebra. My goal in this article is to ...

Don’t Worry About it (Part 1) : Linear Algebra

Welcome to the “Don’t Worry About It” series, where we break down the mathematical concepts that underpin modern Data Science and Machine Learning Algorithms. Even though we have powerful tools for creating machine learning systems, it’s crucial to grasp the basic math behind...

The Linear Quest for Cyclical Bliss

When I was young, there was a carousel in the town’s fairground. Its vibrant horses and mesmerizing tunes drew children in like moths to a flame. Each rotation, though identical, brought inexplicable joy, as if the cyclical motion held a secret promise of timeless happiness. That carousel, ech...

Final Fantasy XVI Is Linear Like XIII

One of the biggest criticisms people had with Final Fantasy XIII was how linear it was because, for a large chunk of the game, you are being introduced to new game mechanics so it can feel like you are stuck in a tutorial for a long time. There isn’t the ability to explore the areas much as it...

EDA and Multiple Linear Regression on Boston Housing in R

This dataset contains information about 506 census tracts of Boston from the 1970 census. As an aspiring data scientist, understanding how to model data like this is of great importance to me. Today I will use the Boston housing data by Harrison and Rubinfeld (1979) and explore which factors affect ...

Change Isn’t Linear: Gladys Onyango, In Her Own Words

You’ve had a variety of roles from when you first joined Segal up to this point. Do tell us: how did you end up in MEL (monitoring and evaluation), safeguarding, and program learning? Thank you, Sylvia. I’ll talk about how I ended up at Segal. There was a brief period of time when I tho...

Solving Transportation Problem using Linear Programming

To understand the transportation problem, it is necessary to understand the meaning of Linear Programming. Because transportation problems will use Linear Programming. Linear Programming in the transportation industry is basically finding how many goods are transported from source to destina...

Unlocking the Robot’s Mind: Exploring Linear Algebra in Mobile Robotics!

In the previous blog, we learned about the advent of mobile robotics and how it is currently rocking the entire automotive industry. But whatever happens inside the brain of a robot is definitely not magic! No magic literally! Many of us used to dread learning Mathematics. I remember my si...

Why Linear Algebra is the Natural Language of Quantum Mechanics

Quantum mechanics is perhaps one of the more counter-intuitive fields in physics as it goes against our classical understanding of the physical world. However, not only is the physics quite bizarre, I believe the math is too when you first learn it. While in most other field of physics, the connecti...

Linear Regression: Closed-Form solution, the Dart way

As you may notice, it’s a quadratic equation. So, if we substitute 2 with a, 7 with b and 3 with c, we may use the well-known formula to find all the possible values of x : Again, it‘s easy to find the answers: 3 and 0.5....

Foundation of Mathematics-Simple Linear Regression

Simply put, simple linear regression is a method used to identify and quantify the relationship between two variables. It allows us to predict the value of one variable based on the value of another. Before we dive in, let’s talk about the assumptions that must be met for simple linear regr...

Introduction to Bayesian Linear Regression

The Bayesian vs Frequentist debate is one of those academic arguments that I find more interesting to watch than engage in. Rather than enthusiastically jump in on one side, I think it’s more productive to learn both methods of statistical inference and apply them where app...

From Linear Algebra to Deep Learning in 7 Books (Winter 2024 Update)

Each of those five books I think are really great, for their very own reasons. Elements of Statistical Learning for example is what got me excited about data science in the first place, back when I was an undergraduate student. In fact, all five books over the years helped me learn so much...

Interpreting Linear Regression Through statsmodels .summary()

The earlier line of code we’re missing here is import statsmodels.formula.api as smf So what we’re doing here is using the supplied ols() or Ordinary Least Squares function from the statsmodels library. OLS is a common technique used in analyzing linear regressio...