Git for Pro Devs: Why a Linear History is Your New Best Friend
<p>Hello there, tech-savvy developers! It’s me, </p>
<p>here again with another dose of techie wisdom to spice up your everyday coding life.</p>
<p>Today in <em>git happy</em>, we’ll unearth the concept of a linear Git history, one of those unsung heroes in the world of software versioning control systems</p>
<p>Prepare to be wowed, as you’ll discover how this concept can drastically clean up your commit log and make your software version history as simple to read as a children’s book... about mapaches</p>
<p>So, let’s dive right in!</p>
<h1>What Exactly Is a Linear Git History?</h1>
<p>A linear Git history is like a well-maintained highway, a direct route from point A to point B with no confusing side roads or turn-offs.</p>
<p>Every commit directly precedes the commit that follows it, and there’s no overlapping or intertwining of different versions.</p>
<p>Contrast this with a non-linear history, where you may have multiple developers creating separate branches, each with its own commits.</p>
<p>When these branches are merged back into the <code>main</code> branch, the resulting history can look like a family of mapaches got into your Git repository and left a tangled mess. Consider the difference between these diagrams, where we’re calling the <code>main</code> branch the <code>mapache</code> branch for fun.</p>
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