Tag: Lifes

Investing In Life’s Sweet Pleasures

A laser beam pierced the nighttime sky and 60,000 bright lights dazzled from below — the sold-out Olympiastadion in Munich had come to life. The most popular musician on earth was in town and he did not disappoint. It was the latest leg on The Weeknd’s After Hours Till Dawn ...

10 Strategies to Navigate Life’s Challenges with Resilience

Life is a complicated journey full of ups and downs. We all face challenges, but our ability to overcome these challenges defines our character. Here are 10 strategies to help you face life’s challenges. 1:Embrace Change: Life is dynamic and change is inevitable. Instead of resisting cha...

5 Money & Life Lessons I Learned from a Life Hustler Turned Millionaire at 43

I have intelligent friends. IQ 140. I have hardworking friends. 80 hours work week. I have opportunistic friends. They have a keen sense of what may happen. Then they position themselves before the eventual unfolding of the event. Many folks I know sit in one camp. A few in two. Dea...

Retirement Life: Sometimes I’m Alone In A Desert

Just last Saturday, I accomplished something I never thought I would do. I jumped out of a plane at 10,000 feet. It was my first skydiving experience (and my last) at age 72. This finished my 25-item bucket list. I experienced no problems whatsoever. There was not even a scratch when we landed about...

Being Male, Being Pro-Life, and Other Lies I’ve Lived

When you grow up in Albuquerque, you think, “damn, it must be greener somewhere else.” When I graduated, I decided to go to a liberal arts college in Alabama. My dad was from there, and we had visited every summer of my life. It was definitely green, and it was familiar. Mostly, though, ...

The New Hire’s Take On Work-Life Balance Is So Extreme — I’ve No Idea How To Respond

The project was in deep sh!t. My team lead needed all hands on deck. I did not fight back. Of course, that was 2008. It was an era when jobs evaporated faster than you can spell the word jobs. And so, I worked. New hires today seem to operate and think differently. Learn More

The Next 50: Embracing Life’s Second Act

As I approached my 50th year, I found myself yearning for more than just the milestones of success. I wanted to dive deeper into the essence of life, to explore and experience the world in ways I had never dared before. So, I crafted a list of 50 adventures, each representing a step into the unknown...

Navigating Life’s Hurdles: Strategies for Triumph

Life’s journey is often likened to an intricate tapestry woven with the threads of joy, sorrow, success, and failure. It is the presence of obstacles that lends complexity to this weave, presenting challenges that test the fabric of our character and resilience. From the paralyzing grip of fea...

Harmony of Life’s Calabash

The apprentice, the Soldier's seed, navigates the delicate balance between the sun's dreams and the moon's ways. Hips sway after the clover of the stars, creating a dance that echoes the celestial rhythm, Taking nature in the fashion it is. Visit Now