Tag: Lies

Use These Methods to Make Your Python Concurrent Tasks Perform Better

Where the Problem Lies It has always been the case that Python’s multi-threaded performance has never lived up to expectations because of GIL. So since version 3.4, Python has introduced the asyncio package to execute IO-bound tasks through concurrency concurrently. After several iterati...

3 Lies I Tell Myself (to Succeed as a Solopreneur)

Not necessarily in a creepy, show up at your house in a ski mask in the middle of the night kind of way. But more of a “content stalker.” One of my favorite stalking activities is reading all the comments on “how to make money” or “start a side...

3 Lies I Tell Myself (to Succeed as a Solopreneur)

Not necessarily in a creepy, show up at your house in a ski mask in the middle of the night kind of way. But more of a “content stalker.” One of my favorite stalking activities is reading all the comments on “how to make money” or “start a side...

When the Camera Lies

I still remember the moment. I was standing on a balcony, waiting for the instant to arrive. It was a few weeks into the first lockdown and the streets were tumbleweed quiet. At the time, I was living in a suburb of Paris, jobless, with little inkling of what the future would hold. Having only...

The lies of the 401k: why it might not work for you and what to do instead

If you have made it so far you might be interested in investing and most likely trying to understand the 401k. Unlike most financial influencers like Sharan the Finance Guy, Vivian your bff and others I will not advice you to keep maxing out your 401k. Let’s begin by trying to understan...

Shrine of the Times — Part 4. The Book 1984 and the Dharmic Intersection between Truth and Lies

So you have read the book 1984, haven’t you? Even if you haven’t, I bet you understand the concepts within Orwell’s works. Mind control is a major theme in the book in question. Nowadays, after leaving the confines of a cult, I see parallels between themes in this book and almos...

About The Lying Liars Spreading Antisemetic Lies on Medium

I’ve written several essays about the brutal Hamas massacre in Israel on October 7, 2023, only to receive hate-filled comments filled with denials and excuses by those who are convinced that Israel is completely to blame for everything. They have tried to twist reality, much like every other g...

Battle Cries and Rose Petal Lies

The news used to erupt at every mention of sexual assault. Now? It’s background noise, a dull ache in a world choked with violence against women. I stand in that wreckage, a twice-broken survivor in a country where rape is a national anthem. They ask why I’m single, these clueless foo...

Bloody Lies: The Dangerous Frontier of Genetic Ancestry Testing in the Battle to Prove Indigenous Identity

Recent genetic testing carried out among the Lumbee of Robeson County, North Carolina, has led naysayers to conclude that the Lumbee’s claims of indigeneity are invalid and has led still others to assert that Indigenous identity should not rely on the colonial concept of racialization and bloo...

Creativity lies in the paradoxes

Singers, artists, painters, designers…creatives come in all shapes and sizes. And while we may all look, sound, and act differently, we all partake in the blessings and curses of a creative life. On one hand, we’re filled with ideas popping-in from left and right. On the other hand, ...

10,000 years of peace and lies

Jokes aside, I felt it was a pivotal discussion given the atrocities unfolding in real-time in Gaza. Much research today points at the idea that violence is not inevitable without the supposedly “civilising power” of nation-states. Nation-states are precisely the issue. Hold onto that th...