3 Lies I Tell Myself (to Succeed as a Solopreneur)
<p>Not necessarily in a creepy, <em>show up at your house in a ski mask in the middle of the night</em> kind of way.</p>
<p>But more of a “<em>content stalker</em>.”</p>
<p>One of my favorite <em>stalking</em> activities is reading all the comments on “<em>how to make money</em>” or “<em>start a side hustle</em>” type articles, videos, and books.</p>
<p>I do this because I’m obsessed with understanding what other people are struggling with AND where they’re getting stuck.</p>
<p>I’ve been doing this for years (<em>I’m weird, I know.)</em></p>
<p><em>I’ve noticed a trend amongst these comments.</em></p>
<p><strong>And I think it’s one of the biggest roadblocks keeping people from realizing their full potential.</strong></p>
<h1>“I’m a Realist”</h1>
<p>I wish I had one of those handheld clicker counters so I could keep track of all the times I saw a comment that said something like:</p>
<p>Let’s be REAL. There are millions of books on Amazon already. It’s so oversaturated now. Don’t waste your time.</p>
<p>Come back to reality. Don’t you know it takes the average person at least two years to make any money on YouTube? And even if they do, it’s usually just peanuts. It’s sooo not worth it.</p>
<p><a href="https://medium.com/six-figure-soloprenuer/3-delusional-lies-i-tell-myself-to-succeed-as-a-solopreneur-1f61d931de08"><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>