Tag: Liberals

America Has Moderate and Radical Conservatives, but No Liberals

I keep receiving comments and seeing news stories that follow some variation of, “First, you’re wrong to criticize conservatives, second extreme liberals are equally out of control.” You could restate this contradictory argument as, “The behavior you’re tal...

Do Modern Liberals Owe Everything to Christianity?

What do you get when a pompous, rancorous Eastern Orthodox theologian writes a book in response to the new atheists who flourished within the decade or so that followed the 9/11 terrorist attacks? You get David Bentley Hart’s Atheist Delusions: The Christian Revolution and its Fashiona...

Twin Peaks is Candy for White Liberals

Not that Hawk is much deeper. He’s stoic, spiritual, and a little subservient. So in spite of how much I wanted to like this character, it was pretty clear that the only moderately decent person of color on this show was a stereotype not unlike Josie. This is by no means the first Cigar Store ...

Why Liberals Are Part of the Problem

I live in the Happy Valley. This New England region, also known as the Pioneer Valley, is a liberal bastion pocketed with some of the best universities in the nation. Here, Black Lives Matter signs blossom on front lawns, and Gay Pride Flags swing from front porches. I also live in Holyoke, Massa...