Twin Peaks is Candy for White Liberals

<p>Not that Hawk is much deeper. He&rsquo;s stoic, spiritual, and a little subservient. So in spite of how much I wanted to like this character, it was pretty clear that the only moderately decent person of color on this show was a stereotype not unlike Josie. This is by no means the first Cigar Store Indian character that we&rsquo;ve seen in the late 20th century, but it&rsquo;s certainly one that&rsquo;s deeply defended by racism apologists &mdash; not the ones who are actively racist, but those who can condemn&nbsp;<em>Dances with Wolves&nbsp;</em>in one hand and laugh at Steve Carrell&rsquo;s impression of Chris Rock on&nbsp;<em>The Office</em>&nbsp;in the other. After all, the very same people that love&nbsp;<em>Twin Peaks</em>&nbsp;also take a progressive stance when it comes to race, gender, and equality &mdash; it&rsquo;s easy to neglect some of those issues when they&rsquo;re relevant to something you love, that you&rsquo;ve come to defend because of how it relates to your interest in that subject matter. So this is where Alice, a pseudonym for my ex-girlfriend (but not the one that Audrey reminds me of), comes in.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
Tags: White Liberals