Tag: Leo

It’s The Journey Not The Destination: Leo Artist Level Completed!

This was my mindset when I embarked on a challenging journey … the LeoFinance Artist Quest! I knew I wasn’t the best artist … but I knew I wasn’t the worst one either! Welcome to Hustletown … join me or watch me going all the way! I dived into the Leo Finance ...

Leo Horoscope for February 2024

Dear Leo, as February dawns upon you, the cosmic energies ignite the flame within, propelling you into a month of self-expression, creativity, and dynamic pursuits. This month, the universe invites you to shine brightly and embrace the spotlight, channeling your innate charisma and passion into ende...

Leo and Aquarius Compare and Contrast: The Pompous Lion VS The Sadistic Robot

How does the proud Lion compare with the sadistic robot of the zodiac? There are so many nuances in astrology so for the sake of simplicity we will dissect the two energies. I want to emphasize that we are comparing how two individuals under these SUN  signs compare, contrast, and interact. The...

Saturn in Leo— How the Placement in each House Influences You

In astrology, Saturn represents discipline, responsibility, limitations, and structure, while Leo is associated with creativity, self-expression, leadership, and a desire for recognition. When Saturn is in Leo, these energies combine, creating a unique influence on the individual’s life and ch...

Full Moon in Leo

Full moons are a time of harvest — an opportunity to celebrate your hard work and dedication as we move toward the energy of the next New Moon in two weeks. This time of heightened lunar energy amplifies manifestations and intentions set during the preceding New Moon phase, enhancing...

Leo Horoscope for February 2024

Dear Leo, as February dawns upon you, the cosmic energies ignite the flame within, propelling you into a month of self-expression, creativity, and dynamic pursuits. This month, the universe invites you to shine brightly and embrace the spotlight, channeling your innate charisma and passion into ende...

What Does it mean to have Saturn (Shani) in 6th House for Leo (Simha) Ascendant (Lagna)?

As we have known, Saturn is the Karaka for longevity, life, death, adversity, calamities, disrespect, diseases, poverty, livelihood, unrighteous conduct, learning of foreign language and science, servants, services, theft, extreme greed for wealth or material gain, temp...

Daily Horoscope: Moon Transiting Cancer to Leo

Moon transiting Cancer to Leo, Thursday, December 28th, assists you in achieving your goals, or manifesting a desire, when you put attention, courage, and persistence into action as the moon shifting from a cardinal water sign to a fixed fire sign creates a potent Grand Trine and Kite aspect pattern...