What Does it mean to have Saturn (Shani) in 6th House for Leo (Simha) Ascendant (Lagna)?

<p>As we have known,&nbsp;<strong>Saturn</strong>&nbsp;is the&nbsp;<strong>Karaka</strong>&nbsp;<strong>for</strong>&nbsp;longevity, life,&nbsp;<strong>death, adversity, calamities</strong>, disrespect, diseases, poverty, livelihood, unrighteous conduct, learning of foreign language and science, servants, services, theft, extreme greed for wealth or material gain, temptation etc. Saturn is all that which we don&rsquo;t like in our life. Saturn is&nbsp;<strong>delay, frustration, restriction,</strong>&nbsp;limitation and anxiety. It is&nbsp;<strong>hard-work</strong>&nbsp;and labor.</p> <p>Also we know 6th (Sixth) house is 1st of&nbsp;<strong>Dushthana Houses</strong>&nbsp;(houses # 6, 8 and 12) and 2nd of&nbsp;<strong>Upachaya Houses</strong>&nbsp;(houses # 3, 6, 10 &amp; 11). 6th house represents things like&nbsp;<strong>diseases, debts, obstacles, enemies, disputes</strong>, competitions, litigations, under privileged people, pets, daily routine life, colleagues at work place etc.</p> <p><a href="https://vedicfuture.medium.com/what-does-it-mean-to-have-saturn-shani-in-6th-house-for-leo-simha-ascendant-lagna-471fe14ab30"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Leo Simha