Tag: Legend

Legend Bowl: A Touchdown of Fun on Nintendo Switch

While the Nintendo Switch offers a deep library of video games all but a few are actually football games, let alone ones that are full featured and actually let you control players and make actual decisions. I’m looking at you Retro Bowl! This is neither the time nor place for t...

The Legend of Zelda: Tears of The Kingdom

At long last, the newest game to the Zelda franchise is here! I was super stoked for the game. I have maybe sunk 100 hours into the game so far which doesn’t seem like nearly enough. The game was finally released on May 12th, 2023. This post took me too long to write but I had to play more ...

Coffee With a Tarantino Legend

In 1991, my mom worked as a production coordinator on a low-budget movie shot largely in downtown Los Angeles. Midway through production, she called to tell me about the young director beguiling the crew with his boundless energy and enthusiasm. “He reminds everyone why we got into movies,&rdq...

The Legend of La Befana

“There is no Santa Claus in Italy,” my Nana told me when I was a kid. I had nightmares of how awful Christmas must be over there. Nana said she had to wait until January 6, The Feast of the Epiphany, to get gifts. The presents came from an old crone with a hairy mole on her chin who ro...

Durga: …and History became Legend

There’s a story documented in ancient Indian texts and it goes something like this. Over 3,000 years ago, the northwestern region of the Indian subcontinent was settled by Indo-Aryan tribes along the western Ganges plain. Collectively, these lands were known as the Aryavarta (viz. Sanskrit ...

The Legend Of Cincinnatus

Lucius Quinctius Cincinnatus remains a huge influence on modern society even though he lived over 2000 years ago. He has a modern city in the United States, Cincinnati, Ohio, named after him, and his statues stand in several major cities around the world, including Paris and Vienna. The Society o...