Durga: …and History became Legend

<p>There&rsquo;s a story documented in ancient Indian texts and it goes something like this.</p> <p>Over 3,000 years ago, the northwestern region of the Indian subcontinent was settled by Indo-Aryan tribes along the western Ganges plain. Collectively, these lands were known as the Aryavarta (viz. Sanskrit for &ldquo;Land of the Aryans&rdquo;). While these tribes all practiced the Vedic religion &mdash; which is a precursor to Hinduism as we know it today &mdash; they had little else to unite them and often fought each other.</p> <p>To their south, were the non-Aryan tribes who&rsquo;d been settled there since before the Aryans came. The ruler of one of these southern kingdoms approached one of the Aryan tribes and &mdash; falsely claiming to be a follower of Vedism &mdash; extended a hand of friendship. The King was known to have been a tall, strong, handsome and virile warrior who impressed the Aryans greatly with his leadership skills.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/unfashionable/and-history-became-legend-93855d04a958"><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
Tags: Durga Legend