Tag: Legal

Trump’s Legal Situation in Georgia is Getting Even Worse.

It never seems to end with Donald Trump, does it? Just two weeks ago we learned that Donald Trump had been indicted for a third time for his role in attempting to overturn the 2020 election, then we got news a fourth indictment is imminent, and now, of course, there’s more. The fourth indic...

State of New Hampshire Seeks 14th Amendment Legal Advice on Whether Candidate Donald Trump Can Appear on the First in the Nation 2024 Primary

A New Hampshire 2020 U.S. Senate candidate endorsed by former President Trump is questioning Trump’s qualification for the Presidency under the 14th Amendment, Section 3, designed to keep former Confederate leaders from holding office. Republican Corky Messner said in a NH Today radio inter...

Notice board clarification Airbnb legal or not in Thailand

Day/week rentals are not allowed and illegal.if you are one who do not know the law in Thailand please report to the Juristic person office immediately.Traveller who do not report to the juristic person will be sent to the police station as trespasser and prosecuted by maximum law.Resident who find ...

Is working overtime legal in UAE?

Working overtime in the UAE is legal. This is as long as certain conditions are met. ·One condition is that overtime must be agreed by the employee. · The second condition is that the employee is compensated for the eligible overtime hours. · And third, there is a maxim...

Major Legal Reforms For San Francisco?

The reality is that San Francisco government is big. I also think that the reality is that big organizations are messy, inefficient, and impractical. Even though I think that, making things better is not hopeless. San Franciscans expect San Francisco to do a lot without really knowing what the...

Revolutionizing the Legal Enterprise

Generative AI is transforming law firms by improving research, data analysis, and operational efficiency, and allowing for extensive customization. It’s significantly reshaping law firm strategies and operations, leading to a more efficient, client-focused, and data-driven legal industry. ...

Manual Legal Documentation: A Paper Chase in the Digital Age (and How AI is Leading the Way Out, and helping ODR)

The legal world thrives on precision and clarity. Every contract, every clause, every comma carries weight, shaping destinies and defining rights. Yet, the backbone of this intricate system — legal documentation — often remains shrouded in the analog shadows of the past. Mountains of pap...

What the [Heck] is Legal Tech?

In 2023, and soon-to-be 2024, it is critical for most employees to have a basic level of technological competency. Lawyers and law students are no different. When I began my law school journey 2.5 years ago, I was mainly concerned with whether I would grasp easily onto black-letter law. Contracts, P...

Unlocking Efficiency: 10 Ways AI-powered Legalbots Revolutionize Legal Practice

Legalbots excel in automating repetitive tasks such as document review, contract analysis, and due diligence. For instance, they can swiftly review contracts, extract crucial clauses, and flag potential discrepancies, significantly reducing the time spent by legal teams on these tasks. Leg...

Legal NLP releases Subpoenas NER, Improved NDA processing, Greek and Turkish Legal Classification

Legal NLP 1.13 comes with a lot of new capabilities added to the 926+ models and 125+ Language Models already available in previous versions of the library. Let’s take a look at each of them! New Subpoenas NER Identify the required documents to present in the sub...

Using Schema.org to Help People Find Legal Aid

This Medium piece documents an intervention aimed at improving access to justice outreach. We used a technical intervention — standardized data markup on legal help websites — to improve people’s discovery of key, public-interest legal information. Intended Goal: Our goal w...

The Firm Law Firm: A New Era with Virtual Legal Receptionists

In today’s digital age, the legal industry is embracing technology in ways never seen before. One of the latest innovations revolutionizing law firms is the introduction of virtual legal receptionists. These digital receptionists, powered by artificial intelligence (AI) and natural language pr...

Diving into the world of legal technology

Four years ago, my journey into the realm of coding began. At that time, I was certain of my desire to pursue a career in law, yet technology was increasingly capturing my interest. I faced a dilemma: should I follow the path of the law or embrace the burgeoning tech world? I ultimately chose law. ...

Diving into the world of legal technology

Four years ago, my journey into the realm of coding began. At that time, I was certain of my desire to pursue a career in law, yet technology was increasingly capturing my interest. I faced a dilemma: should I follow the path of the law or embrace the interesting tech world? I ultimately chose law. ...

Why We Invested in Legal Karma: Revolutionizing Legal Offerings for Credit Unions

In today’s evolving landscape of financial services, Credit Unions are finding it increasingly challenging to meet the diverse needs of their members. One significant aspect that often proves elusive for Credit Unions is seamlessly integrating legal services into their offerings. A s...

Legal Design Lab’s 2021 Year in Review

The Lab partnered with the National League of Cities to create a cross-USA cohort of city leaders who wanted to develop, pilot, and evaluate new models to prevent evictions in their jurisdiction. This work was motivated by recent research on the role of evictions in exacerbating families’ fina...

101+ Legal Docs You Can Automate in HyperDraft

When we tell people that users can automate ANY legal document in HyperDraft we mean it. However, often we get asked for some examples of the types of documents that our users use HyperDraft to automate. Here’s a 101+ legal documents that you can draft in HyperDraft: Read ...

Revolutionizing Legal Services with AILawyer.Pro: Your Smart Legal Partner

The legal industry is experiencing a profound transformation, and at the forefront of this revolution stands AILawyer.Pro, a cutting-edge AI-powered legal service. In this article, we’ll delve into the captivating world of AILawyer.Pro and explore how it’s reshaping the legal landsc...

Explainable Legal AI in s(CASP)

Background I actually came across s(CASP) by accident while looking for something else. The name, I take it, means stable model constraint answer set programming. Which is the sort of name only a computer scientist could love. It was created by a team at the Joaquin Arias, Zhuo Chen, Manuel Carro...

One Hidden Gem To Revolutionize Your Legal Hustle!

As every seasoned entrepreneur will confess, starting and running a business is a thrilling journey, punctuated by the excitement of crafting unique solutions and building brand-new entities from scratch. However, these journeys are not devoid of hurdles, with the most daunting of them being the com...

How to Tackle Legal Issues in 2023: Takeaways From Webinar

Legal Issues for Solopreneurs and SMB Owners in 2023 Before discussing solutions to problems, we need to identify the difficulties solopreneurs and SMB owners face and why they arise. Quoting Colin, “There’s a lot to think about when you are starting or setting up or even just running...

Launching CaseMark: Igniting a New Era of AI-Powered Legal Solutions

AI is hands down the most transformational, disruptive technology we have seen in the last 20 years. This feels like what happened with Web 2.0 or the launch of the iPhone, only significantly bigger. There are still so many industries that haven’t fully embraced technology in general and AI is...

Generative AI for Legal Firms and its Use Cases

The use of technology in the legal process dates back to the 1960s. In the early years, technology had been mainly used for automating tasks such as document management, word processing, and billing. Over time, as technology advances, new applications are being developed that have significantly tran...

Legal NLP releases Subpoenas section classification model and more LLM examples and use cases

The latest version of Legal NLP, 1.15, introduces numerous additional features to the existing collection of 926+ models and 125+ Language Models from previous releases of the library. Let’s examine each of these new capabilities in detail. New Subpoenas section classifier This mode...

Working With Legal Templates: Steps A to Z

We no longer have to line up outside a lawyer’s office whenever we need a lease or vendor agreement, bill of sale, or another contract. Now, technology can effectively be used in place of professionals for standard and basic tasks and solutions, such as creating contracts and agreements. Bu...

When AI Steps In: How Lilith Resolved a Legal Predicament

Imagine this: It’s a typical Monday morning. You’re running late for work, the traffic is insane, and to top it all, you get a traffic ticket despite obeying all rules. You’re bewildered. You remember reading somewhere about fighting a traffic ticket but have no idea where to start...

Revolutionizing Legal Customer Service with AI-Powered Chatbots”

In an era of rapid technological advancement, the legal industry is actively seeking innovative ways to enhance its services. One of the latest trends in legal tech is the integration of AI-powered chatbots on law firm websites to provide live chat support. These AI chatbots, like the ones offered b...

Time-Saving and Simplifying with CaseGPT: Your Legal Assistant of the Future”

The field of law has always been perceived as complex and hard to navigate. However, innovative platforms like CaseGPT are changing that perception and revolutionizing the way law operates, catering to all aspects of the legal world. In this article, we will explore how CaseGPT saves time and makes ...

Arbitration and Legal Design

Arbitration is a mechanism through which a dispute is submitted, by agreement of the parties, to an arbitrator or a tribunal, who will be responsible for rendering a decision on the dispute, which will be binding on the parties. The complexity of the cases or their broad scope …, on many o...

The Biggest Legal Case of Our Lifetime is Going on Right Now in Washington, D.C.! By Gene W. Edwards. Posted 1/9/2024.

Turn on your T.V. Watch! Trump’s lawyer, D (Dean) John Sauer, is defending Trump in the D.C. Court Appeals this very minute as to whether Trump had/has blanket immunity for “everything” that happened while he was in office. Special Prosecutor Jack Smith’s entire two cases ...

Unraveling the Legal Tapestry: A Deep Dive into Donald Trump’s Ongoing Legal Battles

Donald Trump, the 45th President of the United States, continues to be a prominent figure in American politics and society, not only for his time in office but also for the legal challenges he faces. From investigations into his business dealings to allegations of electoral misconduct, Trump’s...

Is artificial intelligence going to revolutionise the legal industry?

It is merely a paradox. We frequently discuss the justice system as an antidote to human failings; it is the responsibility of the state to punish criminals who frequently cave in to deep feelings of resentment, dishonesty, and wrongdoing. But what if this very legal system is incapable of upholding...

Trump’s Legal Battles: White Supremacy Mythology’s Fight for Dominance

I find myself unexpectedly captivated by Donald Trump’s legal battles, in a way that goes beyond schadenfreude, if only a bit. I think that a big reason for his current ubiquitous exposure goes beyond the face value of a mediocre, in some ways demonstrably disabled, powerful white man on trial...

Is Cannabis Legal in Croatia?

Unfortunately no, marijuana is not (yet) legal in Croatia. However, like many places globally, there’s a cultural undercurrent that tells a different story. Many Croatians enjoy a good smoke, and if you tread carefully, you might find that the country offers more than just its official stan...

Kratom: Dangerous Legal Opioid, or Harmless Herbal Supplement?

Recently, the Kingdom of Thailand legalized kratom and marijuana for medicinal use and research, partially reversing a ban that has been in place since 1943. Those who produce, distribute, or do research on these drugs will need a special license. Users (patients) will need a prescription. Recreatio...

Roman Law and Its Influence on Modern Legal Systems

The legal systems of many modern nations owe a significant debt to ancient Rome. Roman law, developed over centuries, has had a profound influence on legal practices and principles in various parts of the world. This article delves into the intricacies of Roman law and explores its enduring impact o...

Navigating Social Security Disability: What Happens if You Move to Another State While Your Case is Pending

Moving to another state can bring about significant changes, especially if you're navigating a Social Security Disability case. Understanding the implications of such a move is crucial to ensure the smooth progression of your case and to safeguard your benefits. In this blog post, we'll expl...

Personal Injury Attorney in Miami: A Comprehensive Guide

When life takes an unexpected turn due to an accident or injury, it can be a challenging and confusing time. Seeking the right legal assistance becomes crucial in ensuring that your rights are protected and that you receive the compensation you deserve. This comprehensive guide will explore the role...