Tag: Learn

A Guide to secure your first Internship

I started this journey for the same reason as many other undergraduates, I was without an internship after first year. Prior to university, I completed my A-Levels, I didn’t really have an idea as to what I wanted to do with my time and just waited for the start of my first university semester...

What exactly did Kotlin learn from Java?

JetBrains, the genius folks who gave us IntelliJ IDEA, pulls back the curtain on Kotlin — a fresh-faced, eager programming language ready to take on the world. Fast-forward a decade, and this rookie has carved out a niche in the coding big leagues, securing a spot in the TIOBE Index&rs...

What you won’t learn from books about data and decision-making

My community has been asking me for a reading list of my favorite books about decision-making, data science, and decision intelligence, so here are the fruits of my attempt to compile some recommendations for you. Photo by the author. I’d love to suggest one great book for ...

How to learn DeFi in 2023

I originally made this checklist for designers joining Advanced Blockchain, where I was previously Design Lead. We learn best by doing, rather than by reading. So I wanted to upskill new hires by getting them to actually try stuff using real money. Some colleagues told me that I...

The Plan Is There Is No Plan — We’re Supposed to “Learn to Live With” Collapse

Call it the Great Gaslighting of the 2020s. Take a glance at some of the headlines above. “Climate change obsession is a mental disorder. “Your body can build up tolerance to heat. Here’s how.” “With a few basic steps, most of us can finally ignore Covid.” “...

How to Use the AAR Method to Learn From Your Mistakes

Let’s do a quick exercise: Think of your last five mistakes. These could be in your personal or professional life — anything that went wrong due to an error on your end. How many of those mistakes have you made for the first time? If we’re honest, most of our mis...

How to “Learn like a Pro” by Barbara Oakley and Olav Schewe

In today’s knowledge-driven world, enhancing your learning prowess isn’t just a luxury — it’s a necessity. Checkout Barbara Oakley’s and Olav Schewe’s "Learn like a Pro: Science-Based Tools to Become Better at Anything" a roadmap for the rest of us who w...

What We Can Learn From Picasso

My attention was grabbed recently when I was listening to an interview with a famous writer. Midway through, they made reference to a line supposedly uttered by Pablo Picasso: “Inspiration exists, but it has to find you working.” The quote had me nodding along in agreement: ...

5 Difficult Things All Leaders Must Learn To Do

Leadership is easy. Only joking. It’s hard. It’s bloody hard! But there are ways you can make it easier. This starts with finding a way to be comfortable in discomfort. This means overcoming a lot of natural impulses to run from or avoid difficult tasks. And this start...

Drawing Is the Best Way to Learn, Period!

Drawing isn’t about creating a masterpiece; it’s about personal exploration and connecting with the world. “I just can’t draw.” How often have we heard that from friends, or even ourselves, when faced with a blank sketchpad? There is a barrier we encounter ...


With the advent of online tutorials and the popularity of video sharing platforms like YouTube, learning to draw has become more accessible than ever before. YouTube offers a vast array of channels dedicated to teaching the art of drawing, catering to beginners and advanced artists alike. Whether yo...

How To Learn Kubernetes (Complete Roadmap & Resources)

Learning Kubernetes can seem overwhelming. It’s a complex container orchestration system, that has a steep learning curve. But with the right roadmap and understanding of the foundational concepts, it’s something that any developer or ops person can learn. In this Kubernetes...

What exactly did Kotlin learn from Java?

JetBrains, the genius folks who gave us IntelliJ IDEA, pulls back the curtain on Kotlin — a fresh-faced, eager programming language ready to take on the world. Fast-forward a decade, and this rookie has carved out a niche in the coding big leagues, securing a spot in the TIOBE Index&rs...

Practical tips on writing in German to better learn the language

We write to get better at German because it gives our brain enough time to become comfortable with the new patterns of language we need to speak properly. Reading is also good, but writing is more active and therefore more useful. Doing grammar exercises is pointless without doing something with the...

Copenhagen — too smug to learn?

I originally wrote this article in Danish for Politiken Byrum. Here’s the English translation. Copenhagen is about to get a unique opportunity to learn from other global cities when it hosts the C40 Cities Conference. The question is whether a city as smug as Copenhagen is willing to e...

Winging it: Learn Ducks From Their Wings

While correctly identifying waterfowl can be a fun hobby for birdwatchers, hunters need to be sure they know what birds are in hand, so they don’t exceed their bag limit. But as we have said, it can be hard for even experienced hunters can have a hard time picking out ducks on the wi...

I Went to the Mountains to Learn Meditation — Here’s What Happened

People who book meditation retreats are either looking for answers to serious life questions or are experienced meditators seeking something more intensive. I do not fall into either of those categories. I have never believed in the practice of meditation. Sitting in one place for a long tim...

How to Learn Biotech

Sign up for the free Endpoints newsletter (~15 short articles by email Mon-Fri at ~11am EST) and the corollary Early Edition (top headlines ~6am EST). Timmerman Report has paywalled articles for $169/year. His podcast The Long Run has free and unique hour-long interviews ...

Wanna learn programming the eco-responsible way?

This is when iTeach was born, a project for an eco-friendly programming learning platform centered around four core values: interactivity, free access, ecology, and privacy. It aims to debunk the misconception that “IT is virtual and has no real environmental impact.”  Indeed, se...

How Can a Person Learn to Think Faster?

It means being able to find, formulate, and solve problems. An intelligent person can solve non-trivial and difficult problems. It would help if you learned to think. And most people don’t know how to think because they have never been taught. “Real” thinking, that is, tha...

Everyone Should Learn Neuroscience

Have you ever wondered how you ended up scrolling on your phone for hours when you only meant to go on your phone for a few minutes — a maximum of 10 minutes as part of a break? Whether we realize it or not, neuroscience plays a critical role in our everyday lives impacting what we do, think a...

How to learn physics from scratch

Physics is a difficult thing to study. Not just because it requires a lot of mathematics, but also because it requires a lot of patience, dedication and time. Most people only learn physics in high school, and never touch on the subject again, perhaps they don’t need it, or they go into a prof...

Top 5 Books to Learn Calculus (with Comparison!)

With so many options to choose from, it can be hard to figure out which book is most suitable for you to learn calculus from. You’ve come to the right place! We’ll find the book that is most suitable for you. These aren’t given any any particular order, each of them have their c...

How to Learn Biotech

This is my updated 2022 roundup of top resources in biotech, ruthlessly refined down to key sources from the comprehensive 2019 original. This list excludes many great ways to learn: conferences, scientific degrees, textbooks, talking with people or working in the sector. However, they’re t...

How to Learn Arabic in 4 Months?

So, have you come to realize that it is important to learn Islam from its sources? Well, we all have such moments in life! Many of us pursue the thoughts, others try and don’t quiet get to understand the path ahead. But in my opinion, if you are really serious about learning Islam, the path...

Learn Advanced English Expressions for Talking about Travel Experiences

Imagine you’re just back from an awe-inspiring trip. The azure skies, the ancient architectural marvels, the exotic cuisine — you’re bursting to share these experiences with your friends and colleagues. But when it comes to expressing these adventures in English, you feel as if you...

How Filipinos Learn English (and Why Formal Education Is Overrated)

I have been single since 2010, so getting married is not in my present mind. But whenever I think of my future babies, I imagine myself pinching their cheeks and saying, “You’re so cute oh my gosh I’m so happy your daddy gave me you.” No pauses because their cuteness ...

How to learn French by yourself as a hobby in a year

During this year I met a lot of expats from different countries struggling to learn french. We shared our experiences and plenty of funny stories. At the time I bought the books, I couldn’t speak or understand french at all. When I had to go to the super market I needed google translator...

Just starting to learn French? Here is what to begin with

That’s the most important thing to understand when it comes to learning French. It’s not about the textbook you’re choosing, or the app you are downloading, or the teacher you are hiring. Whatever choice you make, remember that you are the one who is going to have to do the wo...

Best Way to Learn German Online: A Comprehensive Guide

First up, let’s talk about the heroes of language learning: apps. From Duolingo to Babbel, and my personal game-changer, Metkagram, these apps are like having a language tutor in your pocket 24/7. What makes Metkagram stand out is its focus on immersive learning, grammar mastery throug...

South Indians, learn Hindi

During my tenure as the Chief Justice of Madras High Court, while visiting the Madurai bench, I was intrigued to hear a Tamilian shopkeeper conversing in Hindi. Upon inquiry, his response aptly captured the essence: “Politicians have their own agenda, but I have my business to attend to.&rdquo...

Learn Hindi Language Online

Hindi is the fourth most-spoken first language in the world after Mandarin, Spanish, and English. Interestingly, it is not a language mainly spoken in the Hindi heartland of India but is very popular in other countries, including the USA, the UK, New Zealand, Kenya, Uganda, South Africa, Singapore, ...

How to learn Chinese…in the end

What do you want to have accomplished by the end (of your life)? If one of those things is “knowing Chinese,” you can start with learning the Chinese word for “in the end” or “eventually” in Chinese, which is: 至終 (zhì zhōng), and here’s how...

Should You Learn Chinese Using Duolingo?

Since as far back as I could remember, I’ve always wanted to learn Chinese Mandarin. As a kid speaking the Teochew dialect, I always felt left out whenever my dad watched Chinese dramas and I couldn’t understand a single word. It was difficult just getting started in learning as a kid be...

Why Should I Learn Mandarin?

“Be not afraid of growing slowly, be afraid only of standing still.” — Chinese Proverb. Living in a fast-paced and ever-changing world, industrialisation and technological inventions have narrowed the proximity of countries. Language is the only barrier to overcome in order to brid...

How To Learn Portuguese

If you want to go there and have just enough of the language to say hello and be friendly with people, then all you need to do is buy a phrasebook, try to memorize three, four or five expressions and that’s all you’ll be able to do. I had this experience when I went to Vietnam. After ...

Why you should NOT learn conjugation!

Just automatically locate, in your mind, this particular table as this is the particular past tense you’re using and then conjugate the word according to what perspective you’re speaking from whilst bearing in mind the ending of the infinitive and whether or not it’s irregular; cau...

Learn Spanish from anywhere — BaseLang Review

I’ve been using Baselang for the last few months and I am impressed. I think the thing that Baselang has that works in its favour most is how flexible it is. You can literally learn Spanish from the comfort of your home or in my case, anywhere from a hammock on the beach, a cafe or a farm in t...