Tag: Layer

This Layer 2 Token can give Incredible Gains in Upcoming Time

Everyone is excited to see how the Optimism and Arbitrum projects develop. Today, in our article we will discuss about the fundamentals and also how much potential the Optimism Project has in detail. Optimism has invented a unique technology called optimistic rollup tech. Layer 2 chain has been s...

How to Build a 5-Layer Data Stack

Like bean dip and ogres, layers are the building blocks of the modern data stack. Its powerful selection of tooling components combine to create a single synchronized and extensible data platform with each layer serving a unique function of the data pipeline. Unlike ogres, however, the cl...

Easy way to add a layer in AWS Lambda

AWS Lambda is a powerful tool for running code in the cloud without the need for infrastructure management. It interacts perfectly with other AWS cloud services, however, to make your function more scalable and manageable, sometimes you need to add additional libraries or dependencies. AWS prov...