How to Build a 5-Layer Data Stack

<p>Like bean dip and&nbsp;<a href="" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">ogres</a>, layers are the building blocks of the modern data stack.</p> <p>Its powerful selection of tooling components combine to create a single synchronized and extensible data platform with each layer serving a unique function of the data pipeline.</p> <p>Unlike ogres, however, the cloud data platform isn&rsquo;t a fairy tale. New tooling and integrations are created almost daily in an effort to augment and elevate it.</p> <p>So, with infinitely expanding integrations and the opportunity to add new layers for every feature and function of your data motion, the question arises &mdash; where do you start? Or to put it a different way, how do you deliver a data platform that drives real value for stakeholders without building a platform that&rsquo;s either too complex to manage or too expensive to justify?</p> <p>For small data teams building their first cloud-native platforms and teams making the jump from on-prem for the first time, it&rsquo;s essential to bias those layers that will have the most immediate impact on business outcomes.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Data Layer