Tag: lawyers

Construction lawyers — WHAT’S Everything ABOUT

The development business is the foundation of Australia’s economy, including a huge number of organizations, from building organizations to plan and engineering firms. Given its scale and intricacy, it’s just normal that sooner or later, a business working inside the development area wil...

Opponents of Judicial Overhaul Gain Ground in Israel Lawyers’ Vote

Tel Aviv, June 22, 2023: In a significant development reflecting the ongoing debate surrounding judicial reforms in Israel, opponents of the proposed overhaul have gained ground in a recent vote conducted among lawyers in the country. The outcome of the vote underscores the growing opposition t...

The Evolution of Law: Unveiling Legal Artificial Intelligence and Its Impact on Future Lawyers

As the legal landscape embraces the era of data analytics and AI, the role of legal professionals is undergoing a profound transformation, reshaping the core principles of legal practice. In this rapidly evolving landscape, the emergence of Legal Artificial Intelligence, or Legal AI, is revolutio...

Searching for Doctors and Lawyers with GenAI: Houston, We have a Problem!

The future of Search as we know it is happening now and billions of dollars are on the line. A lot has been made about safety and ethics including Biden’s Executive Order regarding Generative AI. The order addressed biases, safety, and civil rights issues. But, one of the core questi...

Practical ways to incentivise lawyers to be more innovative

Lawyers are very busy people. When you are a practising lawyer, you often don’t have time to breathe between all the client work you are doing. Often, you are so busy that you are eating lunch at your desk while simultaneously trying to draft an urgent document that needs to be presented in co...

Lawyers: how much should you rely on AI to make first drafts?

Every lawyer (to date) has been through a similar training process when it comes to writing legal content. You start in law school, where you are told to write in a particular way. You are told to write in short sentences, get to the point, structure things properly and include an executive summary....

AI Won’t Be the Death of Lawyers; It Will Weed Out the Lazy

We know generative AI is an active component within the legal industry. I’m not referring to tools such as Lawdroid Copilot. I’m strictly referring to the use of OpenAI, Bard, Bing, Perplexity AI, and similar tools. These generative AI tools possess the ability to search and create ...

Generative AI / LLM’s will not help lawyers draft contracts.

Most language models are built using a combination of text-data collected off the internet and those found in legal text (either publicly or privately) which serves as a foundation for the models training. GPT-4’s neural network was famously trained using 1 petabye (1 million gigabytes  )...

10 Most Influential Portuguese Lawyers and Scholars

In the rich tapestry of Portugal’s history, numerous lawyers have left indelible marks with their contributions to legal thought and practice. This article spotlights ten of the most influential Portuguese lawyers whose legacies continue to shape the nation’s legal landscape. F...