Lawyers: how much should you rely on AI to make first drafts?

<p>Every lawyer (to date) has been through a similar training process when it comes to writing legal content. You start in law school, where you are told to write in a particular way. You are told to write in short sentences, get to the point, structure things properly and include an executive summary.</p> <p>Then you start working in a legal environment, and then you learn how to&nbsp;<em>actually</em>&nbsp;do it. You&rsquo;re told (as I was on my first day) that 99% accuracy isn&rsquo;t good enough, and that things have to be 100% accurate or the firm gets sued. You hand in an initial draft of something, a partner tears it to pieces, and then you do your best to make it better. And then the process repeats.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: lawyers