Tag: Large

Large language Models: A Calculator for Words

It’s the early 17th century, a mathematician and astronomer named Edmund Gunter faced an astronomical challenge like no other. Calculating the intricate movements of planets and predicting eclipses demanded more than just intuition — it called for the mastery of complex logarithmic and t...

Why You Should Favour Daily Work Over Large Time Blocks

I used to struggle to find time for my creative pursuits and projects. I believed that I needed enough time to work on them. Because you must get into the zone to write, draw, create, or whatever it is you do. So I learned new things how most people do. I learned when I had the time. Lo...

What’s the right structure for a large organisation?

What’s the right structure for a large organisation? There have been a few interesting blog posts about this in recent days, looking specifically at Apple and whether it is equipped to support its own scale. It’s a topic that I started to tackle a few years ago with Enfield ...

Hashing in Spark/Databricks: A Faster Way to Find New Records in Large Datasets

Hey Bob, how’s it going with comparing those two gigantic datasets?” Mike yells across the cubicles. “Still at it. The row-by-row comparison is killing me, and my coffee supply,” Bob replies, visibly stressed. Mike chuckles, “Well, have you ever tried MD5 hashing?...

Developing Flutter apps for Large screens

Last year, we partnered with the team at gSkinner to develop Wonderous, a reference app to showcase the high-quality experiences possible with Flutter. One of the goals for creating Wonderous was to provide an open-source example that demonstrates best practices. In that same spirit, we...

Large Language Models and Their Transformative Role in the Legal Profession

The evolution of technology is a perpetual force that shapes every aspect of our lives. Notably, the intersection of technology and the legal profession has created innovative solutions that have the potential to revolutionize legal processes. One of these emerging technologies is Large Language Mod...

Psychopathology of Large Language Models: Foundation Models in a Neurobiological Perspective

The performance of large language models (LLMs) is growing at a breakneck pace. Models provide more coherent and consistent answers, with a progressive and significant reduction of hallucinations. This improvement is mainly related to the overall optimization of model architecture and training data,...

Large Versus Small: The Breast Debate

The breast size debate continues to captivate people from all walks of life and starts talks that go deep into the complex issues of personal choice, societal norms, and personal empowerment. People’s opinions are often shaped by outside factors and personal problems. The difference between...

How to build the larger than Extremely Large Telescope directly in Space to see if there is a Life

I was at the NASA Visitors Space Center in Florida recently. They are a lot of very interesting assets to experience the first hand. I was impressed by the size of the Space shuttle. It was much larger than it seems to be on the images. We could see the model of Hubble Space telescope...

Does ChatGPT understand Geometry?

With the emergence of newer and more powerful Large Language Models (LLMs) on a daily basis, the discussion surrounding Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) has become crucial. The question arises: Will these models, when further enhanced, bring us to the coveted state where they outperform us in n...

Unraveling the Law of Large Numbers

On August 24, 1966, a talented playwright by the name Tom Stoppard staged a play in Edinburgh, Scotland. The play had a curious title, “Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead.” Its central characters, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern, are childhood friends of Hamlet (of Shakespearea...

Unraveling the Law of Large Numbers

On August 24, 1966, a talented playwright by the name Tom Stoppard staged a play in Edinburgh, Scotland. The play had a curious title, “Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead.” Its central characters, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern, are childhood friends of Hamlet (of Shakespearea...

Law of Large Numbers

The foundation of the Law of Large Numbers lies in the assumption of Independent and Identically Distributed (IID) random variables. Independence implies that the outcomes of one event do not influence the outcomes of another, while Identically Distributed signifies that the random variables share t...