Tag: Langchain

Langchain 101: Extract structured data (JSON)

Based on the medium’s new policies, I am going to start with a series of short articles that deal with only practical aspects of various LLM-related software. Photo by Marga Santoso on Unsplash The Tutorial In this tutorial, we will learn how to extract structured d...

LangChain + Streamlit Llama : Bringing Conversational AI to Your Local Machine

In the past few months, Large Language Models (LLMs) have gained significant attention, capturing the interest of developers across the planet. These models have created exciting prospects, especially for developers working on chatbots, personal assistants, and content creation. The possib...

LangChain + Streamlit+ Llama : Bringing Conversational AI to Your Local Machine

In the past few months, Large Language Models (LLMs) have gained significant attention, capturing the interest of developers across the planet. These models have created exciting prospects, especially for developers working on chatbots, personal assistants, and content creation. The possib...

Create a FastAPI + Langchain Project in 5 Easy Steps: A Step-by-Step Guide

At the end of these steps you will obtain a FastAPI + Langchain project with which you can add the functionalities you want, It will include an agent that has various tools available, all this without writing a line of code, since it will be generated by a FastAPI template script! This project uses&...

The Future of LLMs is Here! Discover LangChain and Gorilla-Cli(and Start Using Them Today)

In the digital era, large language models (LLMs) have transformed how we interact with technology, offering human-like text generation, answering queries, and aiding in tasks like coding. Their versatility has led to widespread adoption in fields from customer service to content creation. Despite...

Build a Custom Langchain Tool for Generating and Executing Code

In the previous articles (1,2), we saw that LLMs could generate and execute coding instructions sequences — however, often, they get stuck on errors, especially related to package installation. I wanted to have something similar to Langchain Python REPL, but that instead: Allowed the ...

Using LLaMA 2.0, FAISS and LangChain for Question-Answering on Your Own Data

Over the past few weeks, I have been playing around with several large language models (LLMs) and exploring their potential with all sorts of methods available on the internet, but now it’s time for me to share what I have learned so far! I was super excited to know that Meta released the n...

Document-Oriented Agents: A Journey with Vector Databases, LLMs, Langchain, FastAPI, and Docker

Introduction Document-oriented agents are starting to get traction in the business landscape. Companies increasingly leverage these tools to capitalize on internal documentation, enhancing their business processes. A recent McKinsey report [1] underscores this trend, suggesting generative AI coul...

Getting Started with LangChain: A Beginner’s Guide to Building LLM-Powered Applications

Since the release of ChatGPT, large language models (LLMs) have gained a lot of popularity. Although you probably don’t have enough money and computational resources to train an LLM from scratch in your basement, you can still use pre-trained LLMs to build something cool, such as: Person...

Multi-step multi-PDF Q&A system with LLMs and Langchain

Hello folks! The topic of this particular blog post will not be unique at the moment of writing. There are already many YouTube videos, articles, and Twitter threads that describe this idea of talking to PDFs. There are chat GPT plugins that can do this, and there is Langchain, a library that allows...

Creating an AI Agent mastering various tools with Streamlit × Langchain

Until now, we have been developing the LangChain AI Agent. This time, we decided to introduce a GUI to pursue a more intuitive operability. In this process, I encountered an example of developing an agent combining streamlit and LangChain. Based on that, I incorporated custom tools and took on ...

PlaywrightGPT — To Langchain, or Not to Langchain, that is the question

Enter stage left: Introducing PlaywrightGPT, an open-sourced #GenerativeAI writer assistant crafted in both Langchain and non-Langchain versions. Imagine a stage where two roles ( decided by you) spring to life, each with distinct personalities, communicating independently throug...