Multi-step multi-PDF Q&A system with LLMs and Langchain

<p>Hello folks! The topic of this particular blog post will not be unique at the moment of writing. There are already many YouTube videos, articles, and Twitter threads that describe this idea of talking to PDFs. There are chat GPT plugins that can do this, and there is Langchain, a library that allows you to do this as well and this is exactly the library that we are going to use today.</p> <p>But I think it will be worth describing once again this methodology and this approach also taking into account that to solve the problem of chatting to your PDFs properly&nbsp;<strong>just do the prompting and asking is not enough</strong>. There are a couple of important intermediate steps that can help you a lot to make your solution much better and this is something that we can focus on today in this blog.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Langchain LLMs