Tag: justified

On what basis do Jews claim that God gifted them Palestine? Is their claim justified?

The Tanakh, also known as the Hebrew Bible, is the primary source for the claim that God gave Palestine to the Jewish people. The Tanakh recounts the story of the Israelites, who are believed to be descendants of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. According to the Tanakh, God had promised Abraham that his o...

Why is Killing Being Justified?

That is the number of states across America that still use the death penalty in 2024. I’m not going to try to persuade you to agree with me on this, but I want to share the facts and my own opinions on the matter. Whether you agree or not, let me know what you think in the comments. Capi...

Asteroids | The Technicality that Lead to Pluto’s Justified Demotion

The discovery of the asteroid belt proved to us that it was wholly necessary for Pluto to lose its status as a planet. Pluto resides at the farthest edge of our solar system, orbiting our sun at a relative snail’s pace (one year on Pluto lasts 248 earth years). For 76 years, we shared our s...