Tag: Journals

My Trans Journal: Sitting in peace, dissecting the fear.

Well, for one thing we thought that by eating a mostly vegan diet of beans and lentils that pounds would be melting off of us, but no. Second, there aren’t too many people around us that we feel comfortable enough to get to know better. There are a few people here and there, but for the most p...

My Trans Non-Binary Journal: Never Having Regular Sex Again

In the gentle light of early morning, as I reflect on the experiences of these past few days, words seem almost inadequate to capture the profundity of what Sarah, our new partner, and I are exploring together. The physical connection we share is unlike anything I’ve experienced before &m...

A review of four current articles in scientific journals

Reviewing the current issues of Science and Nature, I found four, interesting questions in contemporary science. The first is whether a rugged fitness landscape helps evolution. The second is whether magnetic fields are stronger than expected in their deflection of cosmic rays. The th...