Tag: Jackie

Through the Eyes of a Hero: Exploring “Never Grow Up” by Jackie Chan

Reading Jackie Chan’s biography book can be really exciting, especially if you’re a fan of his movies like I am. It’s like getting a backstage pass to his life! Remember those awesome stunts and funny moments in his films that you loved as a kid? Imagine discovering the stories beh...

The Influences and Virtuosity of Jackie Chan

As one witnesses the immensity of historical events, styles, and genres that have shaped contemporary cinema, there are patterns and repetitions within certain artists’ styles that have influenced future filmmakers. This reflection on history will attempt to contextualize the impact of previou...

Jackie Chan’s Full Life Story and Net Worth May Shock You

Jackie Chan’s early life story is so sad, he wasn’t so popular in high school. He had a learning disorder due to that he had problems in learning and reading in school. When he was 7 his parents moved to Australia and left him in Hong Kong Boarding School. The school had a strict envi...

Who Knew MLK Supported Jackie Robinson and Was Pals with Muhammad Ali

What would Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. think if he was alive today? Hopefully, he’d be excited about the election of the first African American president, the first female and African American vice president, and other elected and appointed African American officials. How would he feel a...