The Influences and Virtuosity of Jackie Chan

<p>As one witnesses the immensity of historical events, styles, and genres that have shaped contemporary cinema, there are patterns and repetitions within certain artists&rsquo; styles that have influenced future filmmakers. This reflection on history will attempt to contextualize the impact of previous film styles and genres on subsequent modes of filmic representation. In it there will be an analysis of slapstick comedy and classical Hollywood musicals and how their influence combined in the stylization of Jackie Chan&rsquo;s Hong Kong Kung Fu films of the 1980s. It is of great importance that filmmakers not only learn from past cinematic conventions, but also build upon these conventions to create a unique style that expresses a brand-new type of cinema. In this way, Jackie Chan&rsquo;s early films coalesce the styles of previous filmmakers such as Charlie Chaplin, Buster Keaton, Fred Astaire, Gene Kelly, and Bruce Lee to establish a unique form of generic cinema that in turn influenced film&rsquo;s subsequent stylistic achievements.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
Tags: Jackie Chan