Tag: Intolerance

How Stringent If-Then Statements Breed Intolerance

I have recently begun writing ideological pieces designed to convey social messages about which I feel passionate. These essays will likely not find a wide audience, they will definitely not become mainstream. But I feel it is important to be true to oneself and use one’s platform, no matter h...

Understanding Mushroom Intolerance

Mushrooms are loved the world over, as they contain flavor enhancers and are a gourmet’s delight. This makes them the most popular choice for pizza topping, right after pepperoni! However, this popular food may trigger symptoms in people carrying certain genetic variants. For example, a fas...

When Your Bread Betrays You — Dealing With Gluten Intolerance.

You sinking your teeth into a warm, crusty baguette, the aroma of freshly baked bread intoxicating your senses. The first bite was bliss — a burst of flavor and textures that plays on your tongue. But then, the insidious betrayal begins. It started subtly, a prickle on your arms, a ...