When Your Bread Betrays You — Dealing With Gluten Intolerance.

<p>You sinking your teeth into a warm, crusty baguette, the aroma of freshly baked bread intoxicating your senses.</p> <p>The first bite was bliss &mdash; a burst of flavor and textures that plays on your tongue. But then, the insidious betrayal&nbsp;<em>begins</em>.</p> <p>It started subtly, a prickle on your arms, a whisper of heat against your cheeks. You ignored it, focusing on your food. But the whisper grew louder, a growing itch crawling across your skin.</p> <p>You excused yourself, retreating to the safe sanctuary of a nearby restroom.</p> <p>In the restrooms&rsquo; harsh mirror light, the consequences of your indulgence was laid bare. Eczema, your unwelcome companion, had blossomed on your face. Red patches begged to be scratched &mdash; taunting you with the promise of momentary relief that will only make matters worse later on.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/living-with-genes/when-your-bread-betrays-you-dealing-with-the-gluten-intolerance-mystery-0b61bc79c6d3"><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>