Tag: Intelligent

3 Intelligent Ways to Use ChatGPT to Speed Up Your Next Data Science Project

The growing popularity of ChatGPT over the past year has led to much speculation regarding what such a tool entails for the workforce. Many believe it indicates automation of many jobs performed by humans, especially programming ones. I prefer a different perspective. While ChatGPT is powerful, i...

3 Intelligent Ways to Use ChatGPT to Speed Up Your Next Data Science Project

The growing popularity of ChatGPT over the past year has led to much speculation regarding what such a tool entails for the workforce. Many believe it indicates automation of many jobs performed by humans, especially programming ones. I prefer a different perspective. While ChatGPT is powerful, i...

Artificially intelligent: chatbots, grifters, and the new, new ignorance

Eyisha Zyer is a self-styled “AI Insider” — an influencer in the artificial intelligence space who has made a name for herself and built an audience of over 50,000 followers by sharing breathless Twitter threads rounding up AI tools, startups, products, and “hacks”; the...

10 Surprising Clues That You’re Actually Quite Intelligent

Have you ever questioned the extent of your intellect? Allow me to unveil a revelation Your cognitive prowess might vastly exceed your self-perception! Intellect takes myriad forms, occasionally lurking in plain view. In this discourse, we shall unveil ten intriguing signals that strongl...

4 Habits of Emotionally Intelligent People

As a psychologist, I work with a lot of people who want to improve their emotional intelligence. But despite all the inspiring podcasts and YouTube videos they consume, they still struggle with it: They get lost in spirals of worry and anxiety They get judgmental with themselves for how t...

The Intelligent Investor by Benjamin Graham: 7 Key Takeaways

The Intelligent Investor: Seven Key Takeaways I just finished reading “The Intelligent Investor” by Benjamin Graham, which is widely considered one of the top investing books. If you want to get a summary of the salient points, you are in the right place. This book happens to be th...

The Intelligent Investor’s Road to $1,000,000

As a highly successful investor, I’ve come to understand that the essence of successful investing isn’t tethered to an extraordinarily high IQ, access to insider information, or a stroke of luck. Rather, it’s rooted in a robust intellectual framework for decision-making and the emo...

The Real Difference Between Being Smart and Being Intelligent

In my life so far, I’ve been fortunate to meet a lot of smart people. I worked hard at school and, against a few odds, ended up studying at Oxford University. There, I met some of the smartest people in their respective fields, and in my age group. I studied hard there too and ended up l...

Let Us Focus on Being Intelligent

Life is the way we spend our time before we die. And if we spend life on diminishing activities like hate and destruction, we hasten the doomsday and reduce our precious lifespan even more. Peace and exploration are wiser alternatives. The remaining question is: what should we explore? Most of th...

7 Things emotionally intelligent people DON’T say

1. You always / you never For example: “You always message me after work hours” or “You’re never happy with my work no matter what I do”. What’s wrong with this phrase? Emotionally intelligent people don’t point fingers when they point out issues. They...