Tag: Influences

How Energy Influences the World

A few years ago, I found myself eating with a close group of four frequently over a year. Having a loud and energetic personality, I would often be the centre of attention when I speak, thus getting the undivided attention of my three friends. However, there are days when I feel down too. On such da...

Deconstructing the Genius Loci: How ‘Spirit of Place’ Influences Productivity

On the northwest coast of Turkey, my extended family has an olive farm. I try to travel there at least once a year to take part in the harvest. To most people, the farm probably looks like rows of trees, occasional piles of rocks, and mountains in the background. On a material level, that pretty ...

North Node in Capricorn— How the Placement in each House Influences You

In astrology, the North Node in Capricorn represents a point in your natal chart that signifies your soul’s evolutionary path and the lessons you are meant to learn in this lifetime. The North Node is always directly opposite the South Node, and together they form the Lunar Nodes. While the So...

Venus in Gemini— How the Placement in each House Influences You

In astrology, Venus in Gemini is a placement that combines the qualities of the planet Venus, which represents love, beauty, and values, with the communicative and versatile characteristics of the zodiac sign Gemini. Venus in Gemini individuals tend to approach love and relationships with curiosity,...

Mars in Leo— How the Placement in each House Influences You

In astrology, Mars in Leo combines the assertive and action-oriented qualities of Mars with the confident, enthusiastic, and theatrical nature of the zodiac sign Leo. People with Mars in Leo are often characterized by their boldness, creative drive, and desire for recognition. Here’s a descrip...

The Power of Color: How Fashion Influences Emotions

Colors have a remarkable ability to evoke emotions, and when combined with the artistry of fashion, they become a potent tool to express and influence feelings. Fashion designers have long recognized the power of color in clothing, using it to create distinct moods, evoke memories, and convey messag...