How Energy Influences the World

<p>A few years ago, I found myself eating with a close group of four frequently over a year. Having a loud and energetic personality, I would often be the centre of attention when I speak, thus getting the undivided attention of my three friends. However, there are days when I feel down too. On such days, no matter how good my intentions are, I have trouble getting them to listen even past a sentence&hellip; no one wants to listen.</p> <p>Was it because of what I said? No, because I didn&rsquo;t even have a chance to say them. Was it because of my intentions? No, some of the content I had been trying to say was positive and beneficial. Then, what else could it be?</p> <ol> <li>People of similar energetic levels would group. I had observations of highly energetic people making merry together and of emo people feeling down together.</li> <li>The energy levels in a group are shared. Thus, if you were to insult someone in your group and make him feel down, your whole group will feel less energetic after a while. Take this analogy of slipping a drop of blue dye at one side of the fish tank. Do you seriously think that you at the other end wouldn&rsquo;t be affected?</li> </ol> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Influences