Tag: Inequity

Racial Inequity in Incarceration: The Need for Comprehensive Reforms

There is a pressing need to address the issue of racial inequity in incarceration. It is shocking to learn that “one in five” Black men is likely to be incarcerated during their lifetime, demonstrating a systemic problem that perpetuates racial disparities within the criminal justic...

Unearthing the Roots of Racial Inequity in America

As chance and ancestry would have it, my life as a White American began on White Street, at the end of the first week of May 1955, in the small town of Clinton, in DeWitt County, smack dab in the middle of the state of Illinois. Clinton was, on the day of my birth, a town of six thousand souls &mdas...

Breaking the Chains of Inequity: Empowering Indigenous Youth Through Understanding and Action

My transition from the Philippines to Canada has provided me with a distinctive vantage point, entwining my immigrant journey with the challenges Indigenous youth confront in both nations. While I recognize the uniqueness of my personal path, my dedication lies in illuminating the critical importanc...